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A little experience often upsets a lot of theory.
We have been called upon to conduct a wide range of projects relating to a variety of industrial markets. Most of our projects include a combination of primary and secondary research. A sampling of projects we have recently completed is listed below.

Client Satisfaction Survey
Executed a comprehensive client satisfaction survey for a major oil and gas engineering firm. This telephone survey provided the client with an authoritative benchmark that can be used in the future to track its progress in capturing more satisfied clients.
Internet Culture Survey
Conducted a two-part culture survey for a large engineering firm that specializes in oil & gas and process work. This project consisted of the design and implementation of an Internet-based culture survey as well as analyzing data collected by another consulting firm.
Strategic Direction Presentation
Prepared an overview presentation for a large international engineering and construction firm for presentation to their European Board of Directors. This presentation included a general overview of the company's strategy and strategic highlights for each of the company's business units
Strategic Planning Support
Participated as a member of the strategic planning team for a major international E&C firm. Included in Banyan Landmark's responsibilities were facilitation of general strategy planning meetings, preparing strategy documents, coordinating with various business unit managers to ensure the necessary materials were provided in a timely manner and responding to management requests for support documents. We were also responsible for providing market research in support of the planning effort and preparing a final deliverable.
Pipeline Survey
Conducted an industry study for a major pipeline engineering company to determine the feasibility of expanding its business. As a result of the study the company decided to diversify its pipeline business by expanding geographically. It initiated and completed an acquisition in order to accomplish this.
Acquisition Support Survey
Based on several criteria provided by the client company, researched qualified companies and initiated contact in order to determine the feasibility of acquisition. Based on this work the client completed the acquisition of a specialty engineering company in order to solidify its position in a niche market.
U.S. Aggregate Industry Survey
Conducted a comprehensive survey of buyers of aggregate processing equipment to determine significant buying criteria, identify key competitors, and develop a refined buying proposition.
New and Emerging Markets
As a member of a multi-firm team, prepared a detailed analysis of selected non-traditional construction markets for a major U.S. contractor.