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Strategy Support and Business-to-Business Market Research
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Banyan Landmark specializes in providing marketing support to companies in engineering and construction and technology related industries.

We are most often asked to provide information and insight that will assist top management in designing and implementing the strategic plan. We are also called on to gather information from clients and employees that will enable management to provide improved customer service or employee relations.

Our focus is on providing cost effective, actionable research custom designed to meet your specific needs. We understand the process of marketing and your industry. We can help you achieve your research objectives so that you can continue to improve and perfect both your strategic and tactical plans. From there, we can help you communicate your strategy or your plans to your employees or your clients.

Marketing is not an event, but a process. . . it has a beginning, a middle, but never an end, for it is a process. You improve it, perfect it, change it, even pause it.
But you never stop it completely.

--Jay Conrad Levinson